Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Singapore Chilli Crab

This is my mum's authentic Singapore Chilli Crab recipe.

Ingredients (A): -
Garlic 1 whole
Ginger 15 to 20g

Ingredients (B): -
Mud Crab / Sri Lanka Crab 2kg to 3kg

Chilli Paste 2 to 3 tspn (see basic chilly paste)

Thai / Sweet Chilli Sauce 5 tblspn

Tomato Sauce 5tblspn

Sugar half tblspn

Chinese Cooking Wine 2 tblspn

Light Soy Sauce 2 tblspn

Water half cup

Egg 1 (lightly beaten in a bowl)

Method: -
Place all ingredients (A) in a food processor and blend until an onion paste.
Clean and cut crab into smaller pieces; slightly crack pincer shells with a mortar / hammer.
Heat 3 to 4 tablespoon of cooking oil in a wok, add onion paste and stir fry unit light brown or until you get a nice aroma.
Add chilli paste, gently stir fry and mix well with browned onion paste.
Add mud crab, mix lightly and add sweet chilli sauce, tomato sauce, sugar, Chinese cooking wine, light soy sauce and half cup of water, gently stir fry to mix crab and sauce. Cover with a lid and let the crab braise in the suace until cooked. You know the crab is cooked when the shells turn red.
Taste and adjust to preferred taste with chilli paste, sweet sauce and light soy sauce.
Once you are satisfied with the taste, thicken the sauce by adding a beaten egg and stir fry quickly to break up the egg.
Serve on to a plate once egg is cooked and mixed well.

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