Monday, March 14, 2011

Soy Sauce

I would like to share some of the sauce I use which make my 'cooking' life easier.
Sauce: Dark Soy Sauce
Taste: Slightly Sweet; Great for braising meat.
I love this sauce, it has been around since I was a little girl. I remember my mother use it alot too. It is best use for braised dishes which you would like to have rich thick sauce. You can buy this from most Chinese groceries shop.

Sauce: Light Soy Sauce
Taste: Salty
There are alot of different brands out there, I would recommend that you use one that is superior quality (or the first harvest) because you will get more of the natural taste of the fermented soy and subsequents harvest have more flavoring and salt added to it. The superior Soy are usually dearer by about a dollar, but it's really worth buying a good one.

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