Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Chicken Rice

This can be use as the compliment to the Hakka Chicken. It is very similar to Singapore Chicken Rice.

Ingredients: -
Chicken Fat (if any) Simply use the excess fats cut out from the chicken
Butter or Margarine 1 tblspn
Finely Chopped Onion 1 tblspn
Ginger Paste 1 tblspn
Pandan Leaf 3 knotted
Rock Sugar 2 small pieces
Salt 1/4 tspn
Sesame Oil 1 tblspn
Rice 3 cups

Chicken stock 2 cups
Water 1 cup

Methods: -
Clean rice and drain access water, set aside.
Using a non-stick pan, gently pan fried chicken fats on low heat to draws out the oil.
Combine the chicken oil with butter, caramelise the chopped onion. Once onion is nicely brown, add ginger paste, pandan leaf, rock sugar, salt, sesame oil and rice. Gently stir-fry for a minute on medium low heat, allowing the rice to absorb the flavours.
Transfer the rice in to a rice cooker, add chicken stock and water. You can use the chicken stock from the steamed Hakka Chicken.
Stir occasionally so that the ingredients are mixed well in the process of cooking.
Serve with sliced tomato and cucumber.

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